
Some visual and game mechanic updates lately: 

Walkthrough of a proof of concept "Hub" level 

- The player spawns at the Hub hooked on a crane! What could that imply 0_o 

- "Unhooking" animation 

Updates to 'Interactables' 

- Previously using a box volume to determine when the Player collided with it, I've changed it to a line trace from the Player Camera 

- This allows a better look and feel so the Player knows what they're about to interact with -- they have to look at it first

- The "E - interact" prompt now has variable text based on the 'Interactable' the Player is looking at (Equip / Talk / Detach / etc) 

Game Mechanic change: Secondary Weapon

- The player now has TWO weapon slots. This will lend to some variability in builds and playstyle. Will also give some allowance for more "niche" weapon evolutions.

Get Recursion (Build 2.2.25)

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