
Playing around with some new weapon evolutions. Rather than having mutual evolutions for both base weapons, I'm implementing unique weapons for each. This will bring the total weapon variety count to 30. 

Here's the first batch of new weapons: 

1. Base weapon [Auto] + [Charge] == A fully automatic weapon with a secondary charge attack that shoots a large projectile 

2. Base weapon [Charge] + [Semi] == Railgun; shoots an extremely fast, piercing projectile that bounces. 

3. Base weapon [Shotgun] + [Charge] == A shotgun that can charge to reduce the spread of its shots 

4. Base weapon [Sword] + [Auto] == A Katana, LMB performs two quick hits. RMB will cause the user to dash in the direction they're looking while striking. Modeled after Genji from Overwatch and his 'shift' ability 

5. Base weapon [Sword] + [Shotgun] == Adds a fire/burning effect, which functions same as its base weapon, but RMB will shoot an AoE fire effect ahead of the user. To afflict enemies with a "burning" Damage over time effect, when implemented.

Get Recursion (Build 2.2.25)

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