Some visual and game mechanic updates lately:
Walkthrough of a proof of concept "Hub" level
- The player spawns at the Hub hooked on a crane! What could that imply 0_o
- "Unhooking" animation
Updates to 'Interactables'
- Previously using a box volume to determine when the Player collided with it, I've changed it to a line trace from the Player Camera
- This allows a better look and feel so the Player knows what they're about to interact with -- they have to look at it first
- The "E - interact" prompt now has variable text based on the 'Interactable' the Player is looking at (Equip / Talk / Detach / etc)
Game Mechanic change: Secondary Weapon
- The player now has TWO weapon slots. This will lend to some variability in builds and playstyle. Will also give some allowance for more "niche" weapon evolutions.
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